Aesthetic Implantology

Aesthetic Implantology

One of the most delicate situations that we can find when placing dental implants is one in which the missing parts are in the anterior (visible) part of the mouth, which is seen when we show a wide smile. This area formed by the incisors and adjacent teeth is known as the “aesthetic zone”, and it is especially important for us that the prostheses that we incorporate perfectly blend in with the rest of your teeth, with the gum that surrounds the implant and with the rest of the facial environment.

These types of implants whose primary objective is to provide you with the best image are called dental implants in the esthetic zone. In the case of implants in the esthetic zone, the priority of the Specialists in Implantology and Dental Aesthetics of the Dávalos & Balboa Dental Clinic, in Murcia, is to achieve maximum mimicry with your natural teeth and achieve an ideal aesthetic. Therefore, on many occasions we will not only replace the missing tooth in question, but we will also regenerate the surrounding tissues so that they are equal to the rest of the healthy tissues that surround the area.

The proper osseointegration of an implant (that the implant remains fixed in the maxillary or mandibular bone and does not fall) is not synonymous with success for us, especially in the aesthetic area (anterior sector), where implants placed in improper three-dimensional positions , end with unsightly restorations that do not provide satisfaction to the doctor or the patient.

The proper osseointegration of an implant (that the implant remains fixed in the maxillary or mandibular bone and does not fall) is not synonymous with success for us, especially in the aesthetic area (anterior sector), where implants placed in improper three-dimensional positions , end with unsightly restorations that do not provide satisfaction to the doctor or the patient.

Implant treatment has proven to be an effective treatment for the replacement of dental structures, but with that it is not enough, it is not enough to perform the function performed by the replaced tooth, it must also have adequate aesthetics and harmony.

The regeneration of lost bone tissues is essential to obtain a satisfactory result in implant treatment, especially if it involves the aesthetic area, where any alteration that occurs in bone regeneration can compromise the shape, color and contour of the gum and , therefore, to subsequent prophetic rehabilitation.

In Dávalos & Balboa, your dental clinic in Murcia, we follow the philosophy ‘prosthetically guided implants’ in which the implants are placed according to the requirements of the final restoration, and not simply in the availability of bone in the area for the implant. For optimal results, restoration must have a harmonious balance between function, aesthetics and biological principles.

Dávalos & Balboa, Specialists in Aesthetic Implantology.

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    Me han tratado muy bien en la clínica dental Dávalos & Balboa.


    Manuel Martinez


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