Facial Treatment with Hyaluronic Acid

Facial Treatment with Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid treatment is an aesthetic procedure to hydrate and improve the structure of our skin. The properties of this substance help to blur wrinkles, soften expression marks and delay facial aging.

Used in specific areas of the face, treatment with hyaluronic acid, offers great benefits due to the properties it has as a dermal filler.

It is used as an injection to give volume to the lips, to elevate the cheekbones and thereby soften the sinking of the nasogenian groove, as well as to eliminate perioral wrinkles and the upper lip, giving volume to the labial filtrum and lip profile.

Hyaluronic acid works well on both deep wrinkles (eg nasogenian groove) and on more superficial lines (eg lip wrinkles). Fundamentally we will see that it provides volume to the tissues. It also has a moisturizing effect, which eliminates the aging appearance of the skin while improving the dermis. The skin folds disappear with a natural appearance and almost immediately. It works at any age and that is why it is widely used for middle-aged women but also for younger women and even men.

The hyaluronic acid remains like this for months, more time to greater cross-linking of the product used, and little by little it will be replaced and reabsorbed in a natural process of regeneration and replacement of our epithelial structure.


  • Immediate effect of dermal filler.
  • Blurs wrinkles and improves the appearance of the skin.
  • Virtually painless and without side effects.
  • Reversible if necessary.
  • Me ha gustado mucho

    Me han tratado muy bien en la clínica dental Dávalos & Balboa.


    Manuel Martinez


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