Facial aesthetics

In Dental Clinic Dávalos & Balboa we seek that the treatment helps you to look a younger and prettier face, ending with annoying wrinkles, giving shine and recovering volume.

Undoubtedly, white teeth, healthy and well aligned provide a perfect smile, and the frame of that smile are the lips.

At Clínica Dental Dávalos & Balboa, in Murcia, we wanted to share a space where you find an atmosphere for people like You, who seeks excellence. We will advise you in an integral way about how to design and improve your smile, offering you a different experience. We care about function and Dental and Facial Aesthetics. Dare to discover how good it feels to look your best smile!

In order to integrate both health and harmony, naturalness, function, youth and beauty of teeth within a smile, lips and a unique face, we will treat each of these points separately to integrate them into a joint vision

Nowadays, within the framework of the treatment of dental aesthetics, patients ask us for lip volume corrections – lip fillings – that are natural. For this it is essential to respect the volumetric relationships of each person. It can be said that there is a tendency to thick lip but keeping the proportions of naturalness.

Hyaluronic acid is part of our skin naturally, so it is the ideal material to fill grooves, blur perioral wrinkles and gain volume on lips and lower facial third. Currently, it is the most used and indicated filling material as it is an effective and safe product.

Today it is used as a filling material for lips and to blur wrinkles of the lower third, which is well used to achieve corrections with very natural and beautiful results.


  • Fill the upper lip wrinkles or “barcode”
  • Chin Wrinkles
  • Filling the nasogenian or nasolabial grooves
  • Lip profiling.
  • Increase of the volume of the lips.
  • Elevation of the corners of the mouth.

It is also a treatment indicated for patients who have finished a dental aesthetic treatment, such as a whitening or dental veneers.

It is the perfect combination, for an impeccable smile. Cheer up and don’t hesitate to contact us! We will be willing to answer your questions.

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Plaza Circular, número 3. Bajo, 30008 Murcia